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blue ocean strategy

When it comes to business strategy, competition is a fundamental concept. Companies strive to outdo their rivals, gain market share, and secure a competitive advantage. But what if there was a way to make competition irrelevant? What if you could create your own market space, where you have no direct rivals and can set your own rules? This is the premise of the Blue Ocean Strategy.

The Blue Ocean Strategy challenges conventional wisdom by suggesting that industry boundaries and structure are not fixed. Instead, it proposes that companies can reconstruct these boundaries and create uncontested market space through strategic planning and market differentiation. By pursuing both differentiation and low cost, businesses can open up new opportunities and make competition irrelevant.

blue ocean strategy

Key Takeaways:

  • Blue Ocean Strategy aims to create uncontested market space and make competition irrelevant.
  • It involves pursuing differentiation and low cost simultaneously to open up new market opportunities.
  • This strategy challenges the belief that industry boundaries and structure are fixed.
  • Blue Ocean Strategy provides systematic tools and frameworks to shift from red ocean competition to blue oceans of new market space.
  • By embracing the blue ocean approach, companies can differentiate themselves and achieve a competitive advantage in the market.

What is Blue Ocean Strategy?

Blue Ocean Strategy is a groundbreaking business approach that combines differentiation and low cost to create new market space and drive new demand. Unlike traditional strategies focused on competing in existing markets (known as red oceans), Blue Ocean Strategy seeks to make competition irrelevant by exploring uncontested market space.

By pursuing both differentiation and low cost simultaneously, companies can break away from the limitations of existing industry boundaries and reconstruct them to their advantage. This strategic shift allows organizations to escape the fierce competition in red oceans and instead create a blue ocean of untapped opportunities.

In a blue ocean, companies have the freedom to innovate, explore new ideas, and offer novel value propositions to customers. This approach challenges the conventional belief that organizations must choose between differentiation or low cost. Rather, Blue Ocean Strategy encourages companies to unlock new possibilities by tapping into the synergy between these two elements.

Blue Ocean Strategy revolutionizes the way businesses approach strategy and value creation. It empowers companies to move beyond the red ocean of competition and into vast blue oceans of untapped potential.

Through value innovation, companies can differentiate themselves by offering unique products, services, or experiences that stand out in the market. However, differentiation alone is not enough. Blue Ocean Strategy emphasizes the importance of achieving low cost to ensure profitability and sustainable growth.

Central to the concept of Blue Ocean Strategy is the idea that market space is not fixed but can be expanded, redesigned, and redefined. It challenges the notion that industries must operate within existing limitations and offers a systematic approach to breaking free from the traditional competitive landscape.

Benefits of Blue Ocean Strategy:

  • Opening up new market space
  • Creating uncontested market opportunities
  • Driving innovation and value creation
  • Escaping cutthroat competition
  • Maximizing profitability and growth
Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy
Compete in existing markets Create new market space
Focus on beating the competition Makes competition irrelevant
Exploit existing demand Create and capture new demand
Value-cost trade-off No value-cost trade-off

Blue Ocean Strategy challenges companies to break free from the constraints of red oceans and chart a course towards uncontested market space. By embracing this approach, organizations can unleash their creative potential, differentiate themselves in the market, and seize new opportunities for growth and success.

Red Oceans vs. Blue Oceans

In the world of business, there are two distinct types of market spaces: red oceans and blue oceans. Red oceans represent the industries that exist today, where industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known.

In these red oceans, companies compete fiercely for a greater share of the existing demand, engaging in cutthroat competition. The focus is on outperforming rivals, usually by offering similar products or services at competitive prices. However, this intense competition often leads to reduced profits and stunted growth.

On the other hand, blue oceans represent industries that are yet to be created. These are untainted by competition, offering unexplored opportunities for growth and innovation. In blue oceans, rather than fighting over existing demand, companies focus on creating new demand and opening up new market space.

The concept of blue oceans is based on the belief that industry boundaries and structure are not fixed, but can be reconstructed by the actions and beliefs of industry players. By shifting their focus from competing in red oceans to creating blue oceans, companies can find ample opportunities for profitable and rapid growth.

In a blue ocean, companies have the freedom to set their own rules and establish new industry standards. They can break away from traditional norms and create innovative products or services that cater to unmet customer needs. This enables them to differentiate themselves from competitors and capture a larger share of the market.

Industry boundaries and competitive rules in blue oceans are flexible, allowing companies to explore uncharted territories and determine their own paths to success. This freedom to innovate and create new market space sets blue oceans apart from the fiercely competitive and crowded red oceans.

In summary, red oceans represent the current competitive landscape, where companies fight for existing demand within defined industry boundaries. In contrast, blue oceans offer untapped market opportunities, where companies can create new demand and set their own rules. By shifting focus from red oceans to blue oceans, companies can break free from cutthroat competition and pave the way for profitable growth and innovation.

Key Differences Between Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy

Red Ocean Strategy is focused on competing in existing market space, beating the competition, and exploiting existing demand. It involves making the value-cost trade-off and aligning the whole system of a firm’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost. In contrast, Blue Ocean Strategy aims to create uncontested market space, make the competition irrelevant, create and capture new demand, break the value-cost trade-off, and align the whole system of a firm’s activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost.

The Fundamentals of Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy is grounded in data, based on a decade-long study of more than 150 strategic moves across various industries. It focuses on the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost, challenging the notion of a trade-off between the two. The strategy aims to create uncontested market space by reconstructing industry boundaries and provides systematic tools and frameworks to shift from red ocean competition to blue oceans of new market space.

“Blue Ocean Strategy breaks from the traditional approach to strategy. It is about creating new markets rather than competing in existing ones. It is about making the competition irrelevant rather than trying to beat it.”

Renee Mauborgne

The Blue Ocean Strategy is not just a theoretical concept; it is backed by real-world data and research. In their groundbreaking book, “Blue Ocean Strategy,” authors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne present a systematic approach to create uncontested market space and unlock new opportunities for businesses.

The strategy challenges the conventional belief that companies must choose between differentiation and low cost. Instead, it encourages companies to pursue both simultaneously, resulting in a unique value proposition that sets them apart from competitors.

To drive success, Blue Ocean Strategy provides systematic tools and frameworks that enable companies to assess their current industry landscape, identify potential areas of differentiation, and chart a path towards uncontested market space. These tools and frameworks help guide strategic decisions and create a roadmap for successful implementation.

The systematic approach of Blue Ocean Strategy empowers companies to break free from the constraints of traditional competition and carve out their own market space. By leveraging systematic tools and frameworks, businesses can challenge industry norms, identify untapped customer needs, and create innovative solutions that drive growth and profitability.

Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy
Focus Competing in existing market space Creating uncontested market space
Competition Beat the competition Make the competition irrelevant
Value Proposition Value-cost trade-off Simultaneous differentiation and low cost
Approach Exploit existing demand Create and capture new demand
Impact Reduced profits and growth Opportunities for profitable and rapid growth

Benefits of Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy offers several benefits that can transform the trajectory of businesses by unlocking new opportunities and driving sustainable growth. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

Profitable Growth through Value Innovation

Blue Ocean Strategy enables companies to break free from the confines of red ocean competition and tap into uncontested market space. By pursuing both differentiation and low cost, organizations can create value-innovative products or services that resonate with customers, leading to increased demand and profitable growth.

Minimized Risk through Commercial Viability Testing

One of the strengths of Blue Ocean Strategy is its emphasis on testing ideas for their commercial viability. By validating and refining concepts early on, companies can reduce the risk associated with new ventures and optimize their potential for success. This methodical approach allows for better decision-making and investment allocation, ensuring maximum upside and minimum downside.

Execution-Driven Strategy for a Win-Win Outcome

Blue Ocean Strategy goes beyond just formulating strategic plans by emphasizing the integration of execution into the core of the strategy. Companies that adopt this approach align their actions, resources, and capabilities to deliver value, generate profits, and satisfy the needs of their people. This win-win outcome creates a positive organizational environment and enhances the long-term sustainability of the strategy.

“Blue Ocean Strategy encourages companies to move away from competing within the boundaries of existing markets and instead be the creators of new market space. By doing so, they can unlock untapped opportunities and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.” – Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy

Overall, Blue Ocean Strategy offers a transformative framework that enables businesses to create their own path for success. By focusing on profitable growth, value innovation, low risk, and a win-win outcome, companies can unlock new market spaces and position themselves ahead of the competition.

Tools and Frameworks of Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy offers practical tools and frameworks that are designed to help businesses navigate from the competitive red ocean to the untapped, innovative blue ocean of new market space. These tools enable companies to understand the current state of play in their industry, explore new paths to create market space, and ultimately convert noncustomers into loyal customers. By embracing these strategic moves, companies can effectively create new markets and foster value innovation.

State of Play Analysis

One of the key tools provided by Blue Ocean Strategy is the State of Play Analysis, which allows businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of their industry’s competitive landscape. By identifying key players, analyzing their offerings, and mapping out customer preferences, companies can uncover gaps in the market and identify areas of opportunity for differentiation and value creation.

Four Actions Framework

The Four Actions Framework is another valuable tool offered by Blue Ocean Strategy. It encourages companies to challenge the status quo by asking four key questions:

  1. Which factors that the industry takes for granted should be eliminated?
  2. Which factors should be reduced below industry standards?
  3. Which factors should be raised well above industry standards?
  4. Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered?

By answering these questions, businesses can identify strategic moves that will create uncontested market space and drive value innovation.

Buyer Utility Map

The Buyer Utility Map is a visual tool that helps businesses explore opportunities to increase the utility and value they offer to customers. By mapping out the customer journey and considering the six utility levers (customer productivity, simplicity, convenience, risk reduction, fun and image, and environmental friendliness), companies can identify areas for improvement and uncover innovative ways to meet customer needs.

Noncustomer Analysis

Blue Ocean Strategy also emphasizes the importance of considering noncustomers – those who either don’t engage with the industry or only engage to a limited extent. By analyzing the needs and preferences of noncustomers, companies can gain valuable insights into the barriers that prevent them from entering the market. This analysis can inform strategic moves to convert noncustomers into loyal customers and expand the overall market

In addition to these specific tools, Blue Ocean Strategy provides a systematic approach to market creation and value innovation through strategic moves. By leveraging these practical tools and frameworks, businesses can successfully navigate the competitive landscape, create their own uncontested market space, and achieve sustainable growth and profitability.

Blue Ocean Examples

Blue Ocean Strategy has been successfully implemented in various industries, leading to profitable growth and strategic actions. Let’s explore some industry examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.

Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil revolutionized the entertainment industry by combining elements from traditional circus and theater to create a completely new experience. By eliminating animal acts and focusing on artistic performances, Cirque du Soleil created a unique and captivating form of entertainment that appealed to a wider audience.

This innovative approach allowed Cirque du Soleil to create uncontested market space, making traditional circuses irrelevant in comparison. Their strategic actions involved redefining the boundaries of the entertainment industry and offering customers a leap in value. As a result, Cirque du Soleil achieved profitable growth and established itself as a global leader in the entertainment industry.

Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines disrupted the airline industry by differentiating itself through its low-cost, frequent departures, and friendly service. By offering affordable air travel to previously underserved markets, Southwest Airlines created a blue ocean of new customers.

Through their strategic actions, Southwest Airlines challenged the traditional airline business model and created uncontested market space. They provided customers value through affordable fares, quick turnarounds, and exceptional customer service. As a result, Southwest Airlines achieved profitable growth and established itself as a leading player in the airline industry.

Company Industry Strategic Actions Outcome
Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Combining elements from circus and theater, focusing on artistic performances, creating a new form of entertainment Profitable growth, establishment as a global leader
Southwest Airlines Airline Offering low-cost, frequent departures, friendly service Profitable growth, establishment as a leading player

These examples demonstrate how companies implementing Blue Ocean Strategy can create uncontested market space, achieve profitable growth, and make the competition irrelevant. By offering customers a leap in value and challenging existing industry boundaries, organizations can successfully implement strategic actions that lead to lasting success.

Blue Ocean Examples

Books on Blue Ocean Strategy

The books “Blue Ocean Strategy” and “Blue Ocean Shift” by Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne provide in-depth insights into the concept of blue ocean strategy, its application, and the benefits it offers. These books have become bestsellers and have sold millions of copies worldwide. They present a systematic approach to creating uncontested market space and capturing new demand, enabling companies to achieve profitable growth through innovation and strategic thinking.

By exploring real-world examples and strategic frameworks, “Blue Ocean Strategy” and “Blue Ocean Shift” offer valuable guidance on how to break away from the competition and unlock new market opportunities. These books emphasize the importance of value innovation, which involves delivering unique and compelling value propositions to customers while simultaneously reducing costs.

Through a combination of case studies, practical tools, and actionable strategies, the authors illustrate how companies can successfully implement blue ocean strategies in various industries. They provide step-by-step guidance on how to identify untapped market spaces, understand customer needs, and create differentiation that leads to profitable growth.

Whether you are a business leader, entrepreneur, or strategist, reading these books will expand your understanding of blue ocean strategy and equip you with the knowledge and tools to develop innovative strategies that set your company apart from the competition.


Blue Ocean Strategy offers a unique and innovative approach to strategic planning, allowing companies to create uncontested market space and gain a competitive advantage. By pursuing both differentiation and low cost simultaneously, companies can break the value-cost trade-off and position themselves for long-term success.

Through a systematic process and the use of practical tools and frameworks, Blue Ocean Strategy enables companies to identify untapped market opportunities and maximize value innovation. By reconceptualizing industry boundaries and making competition irrelevant, companies can capture new demand and achieve profitable growth.

Embracing the blue ocean approach allows companies to differentiate themselves from competitors and unlock new avenues for success. By focusing on market space instead of fighting over existing market share, companies can unleash their creativity and innovation, leading to increased profitability and sustainable growth.


What is Blue Ocean Strategy?

Blue Ocean Strategy is a business strategy that involves creating and capturing uncontested market space by pursuing differentiation and low cost. It aims to make competition irrelevant by opening up new market opportunities and creating new demand.

What are Red Oceans and Blue Oceans?

Red oceans represent the industries that exist today, where companies compete for a greater share of existing demand. Blue oceans, on the other hand, represent industries that are not yet in existence, untainted by competition. In blue oceans, demand is created rather than fought over, providing ample opportunities for profitable and rapid growth.

How does Blue Ocean Strategy differ from Red Ocean Strategy?

Red Ocean Strategy focuses on competing in existing market space and beating the competition, while Blue Ocean Strategy aims to create uncontested market space, make the competition irrelevant, and break the value-cost trade-off. Blue Ocean Strategy focuses on differentiation and low cost simultaneously, while Red Ocean Strategy requires companies to choose between differentiation or low cost.

What are the fundamentals of Blue Ocean Strategy?

Blue Ocean Strategy is grounded in data and based on a decade-long study of strategic moves across various industries. It focuses on the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost, challenging the notion of a trade-off between the two. The strategy aims to create uncontested market space by reconstructing industry boundaries and provides systematic tools and frameworks to shift from red ocean competition to blue oceans of new market space.

What are the benefits of Blue Ocean Strategy?

Blue Ocean Strategy offers several benefits, such as the creation of profitable growth through value innovation. It allows companies to maximize opportunities while minimizing risk by testing ideas’ commercial viability and refining them for maximum upside and minimum downside. Blue Ocean Strategy also emphasizes the importance of building execution into strategy and creating a win-win outcome by aligning the three strategy propositions – value, profit, and people.

What tools and frameworks are used in Blue Ocean Strategy?

Blue Ocean Strategy provides practical market-creating tools and frameworks that help companies understand the current state of play in an industry, explore different paths to create new market space, and convert noncustomers into customers. These tools and frameworks emphasize the importance of market creation and value innovation through strategic moves.

Can you provide some examples of companies that have successfully implemented Blue Ocean Strategy?

Examples of companies that have successfully implemented Blue Ocean Strategy include Cirque du Soleil, which created a new industry by combining elements from traditional circus and theater, and Southwest Airlines, which differentiated itself by offering low-cost, frequent departures, and friendly service. These companies created uncontested market space by providing customers with a leap in value and making the competition irrelevant.

Are there any books on Blue Ocean Strategy?

Yes, there are two books on Blue Ocean Strategy: “Blue Ocean Strategy” and “Blue Ocean Shift” by Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. These books provide in-depth insights into the concept of blue ocean strategy, its application, and the benefits it offers. They have become bestsellers and have sold millions of copies worldwide.

What is the goal of Blue Ocean Strategy?

The goal of Blue Ocean Strategy is to create uncontested market space and achieve a competitive advantage by pursuing differentiation and low cost simultaneously. By opening up new market opportunities and creating new demand, companies can position themselves for long-term success and profitability.

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15 replies on “Blue Ocean Strategy: Can You Create Uncontested Market Space?”

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